Month: January 2022
EHRDC press statement on arbitrary arrests and detention of Journalists in Ethiopia
Jan 29, 2022 Call for the end of arbitrary arrests and detention of Journalists in Ethiopia The government must end arbitrary arrests and detentions of journalists and provide protection to journalists and their essential role in the country! Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Center (EHRDC)…
HRD of the Year Award
Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders would like to give an Annual Human Rights Defender Award. The recipient will be a brave human rights defender with any profession or walk of life, despite the risk to her/his own safety continues to fight for others’ rights. The award will help recognize the situations of human rights defenders in…
Training on human rights mechanisms in collaboration with OHCHR
by Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Center (EHRDC) in collaboration with the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR) gave 2 days of training on strengthening the engagement of CSOs in the East Sub-region with African human rights mechanisms.
EHRDC in collaboration with CRD conducted training on Psychological First-Aid and Physical safety
The Psychological 1st Aid training created a platform for HRDS from conflict-based areas to discuss major issues affecting them and those around them. The physical security training equipped the participants with protection and safety management. EHRDC partnered with Civil Rights Defenders to provide the training.
Training on Basic Computing skills and Digital safety in collaboration with CRD
EHRDC, in partnership with the Civil Rights Defenders, held 4 days of training on Basic Computing skills and Digital safety for Women HRDs Women Human Rights Defenders from 25th up to 28th of October The training reached women HRDs and women HRDs with disability from several regions in the country
Training on Physical and Digital safety in collaboration with CRD
EHRDC provided training Physical and Digital safety and Psychological 1st aid for Individual HRDs in collaboration with Civil Rights Defenders (CRD). The 3 days training covered physical and Digital safety as well as Psychological FirstAid for human rights defenders working in conflict areas.
EHRDC training in collaboration with United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner
Strengthening the engagement of CSOs in the East Subregion with African human rights mechanisms by Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Center (EHRDC) in collaboration with the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner
Press statement on the situations of Human Rights Defenders during the Pre-election Period (May 10, 2021 )
Press statement on the situations of Human Rights Defenders during the Pre-election Period May 10, 2021 Free and fair elections are essential components in the protection and upholding of human rights. Every person has the right to vote or be elected in free and fair elections held regularly to engage in government and public affairs.…