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የጋራ ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ
የማህበራዊ ሚዲያዎች የንግድ ተቋማት ፣ የተቋማቱ ባለቤቶችን፣ በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ የሚሠራጩ መረጃዎች አዘጋጆችን፣ የሲቪል ማህበረሰብ ድርጅቶችን እና የመንግስት አካላትን ጨምሮ ሁሉም ባለድርሻ አካላት አፋጣኝ በሆነ ሁኔታ በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ እየተስፋፋ የመጣውን የፆተኝነት እና የተሳሳቱ አሉታዊ መልዕክት ያላቸው ሴት ተኮር ይዘቶች እና ይዘቶቹን ተከትሎ የሚነሱ ችግሮችን ለመፍታት አፋጣኝ እርምጃ እንዲወስዱ ለማሳሰብ የተደረገ ጥሪ። ሙሉውን መግለጫ ለማንበብ
EHRDC has released the second periodic assessment on the situations of human rights defenders in Ethiopia. Click the link to read the assessment – SECOND 2023 PERIODIC ASSESSMENTS ON THE SITUATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS IN ETHIOPIA. For PDF 23-
EHRDC is looking for a Senior Program Officer
The Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Centre (EHRDC) was established in December 2019 and registered in November 2020 with registration number 5220 at the FDRE Authority for Civil Society Organizations. EHRDC is dedicated to the advocacy, capacity building, and protection of human rights defenders in Ethiopia to ensure their safety, security, and well-being, and evidence-based advocacy.…
EHRDC releases a press statement urging the Ethiopian government to the immediate release of journalists
We urge the Ethiopian government to the immediate release of journalists and to stop the restriction of access to the free flow of information. The Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Center (EHRDC) has learned that the unrest related to the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has changed its shape and caused great tension and human rights violation…
4th Periodic Assessment on Situations of Human Rights Defenders in Ethiopia 2023
EHRDC officially launched its first annual report on the situations of HRDs in Ethiopia on our 2nd year Anniversary held on January 31st, 2023.
ስለተጀመረው የሰላም ንግግር የማበረታቻ እና የመልካም ምኞቶች መግለጫ
ስለተጀመረው የሰላም ንግግር የማበረታቻ እና የመልካም ምኞቶች መግለጫ እኛ ስማችን ከዚህ በታች የተዘረዘረው አገር በቀል የሲቪክ ማህበራት በደቡብ አፍሪካ፣ ፕሪቶሪያ ከተማ በኢትዮጵያ ፌደራላዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ መንግሥት እና በሕወሓት መካከል የተጀመረውን የሰላም ንግግር የምናበረታታ እና የምንደግፍ መሆኑን እየገለጽን፤ የሰላም ንግግሩ በመጀመሩ የተሰማንን ደስታ ለመግለጽ እንወዳለን። ይህ ንግግር በሰሜን ኢትዮጵያ ያለውን ጦርነት በሰላማዊ መንገድ እልባት እንዲያገኝ መንገድ…
EHRDC is looking to hire an Intern (Assistant to the finance officer)
Post Title – Intern (Assistant to the finance officer) Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Center is a non-governmental, non-partisan, and not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advocacy, capacity building, and protection of human rights defenders in Ethiopia. Our center is looking for a qualified intern who is capable of supporting the finance department. The intern is required…
Chief Commissioner of Ethiopian Human Rights Commission Dr. Daniel Bekele visited EHRDC office
We appreciate the Chief Commissioner of Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, Dr. Daniel Bekele for visiting our office. We had a fruitful discussion on strengthening the Center and our work towards the promotion and protection of Human Rights Defenders in Ethiopia. Our appreciation also goes to Mr. Solomon (PEJ Representative) for his support and engagement for…
Where is Journalist Gobeze Sisay?
EHRDC expressed its concern about the recent arrest of journalist Gobeze Sisay. Ethiopian Human Rights Defender Center (EHRDC) is a non-governmental organization established to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of HRDs. EHRDC has been continuously engaging with human rights defenders and journalists to enhance their capacity and to defend their rights. We are highly…
EHRDC in collaboration with CRD conducted training on Psychological First-Aid and Physical safety
The Psychological 1st Aid training created a platform for HRDS from conflict-based areas to discuss major issues affecting them and those around them. The physical security training equipped the participants with protection and safety management. EHRDC partnered with Civil Rights Defenders to provide the training.